EE Instructional Laboratories

Stanford University, Winter Quarter 2018-2019

Physical Access

Packard Building Access

The David Packard Electrical Engineering Building is open to the public during normal business hours. After 5:00 PM the building doors transition to card key access. After this daily transition an official Stanford ID Card is required to access the building.

To obtain “after-hours” access to Packard you will need to:

  • Have a reason to request building access (e.g., you need to attend evening lab sessions)

  • Complete EHS-4200 : General Safety, Injury Prevention (IIPP) & Emergency Preparedness

  • Complete EHS-3400 : Computer Ergonomics Training

  • Send an email to the Building Manager, Mr. Kenneth Green (kennygee at stanford dot edu) requesting access and confirming that you have met the requirements above.

Once access has been granted you receive an email confirming that your access should be active.

If you have access difficulties:

  • for building access, please contact Mr. Kenneth Green (kennygee at stanford dot edu) directly.

  • for lab access, please contact Steve Clark (steven dot clark at stanford dot edu) directly.